I’m lazy. I remember reading somewhere that that was a desirable trait to have in a developer. I’m not sure where though, and honestly it’s just too much effort to bingle it. This laziness came to the forefront recently as I was playing with Node.
In my last post, I showed you how to spin up a quick web app using Node. As I was playing with this app, I found that I had to restart Node every time I made a change to the source. This meant I had to switch to the console, stop the process, start the process and THEN refresh my page to see the effect of my change. Too much work I say.
So I wondered if Node had something built-in for monitoring changes to the file. I didn’t see anything useful from node.exe –help
and researching it on the Web is just so tedious, so I decided to write my own solution.
Looking for Some Change
In .NET, there is a class System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
. With an instance of this class you can monitor the files in a directory for changes. I set it up like this:
var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
watcher.Path = @"C:\node.js\stuff";
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName;
watcher.Filter = "*.js";
watcher.Changed += Changed;
watcher.Created += Changed;
watcher.Deleted += Changed;
watcher.Renamed += Renamed;
// Begin watching
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
The NotifyFilter
property allows you to specify the sort of changes you are interested in. You can check out the full list here. You’ll also notice that I used the Filter
property to narrow it down just to js files.
Next, there are a number of events to wire to respond to changes. I reused the same handler as much as I could because I always want to do the same thing: restart Node. It’s also not entirely obvious how these events relate to NotifyFilter
, but I didn’t dig too deep into that. (I’m lazy remember.)
It’s also important to set EnableRaisingEvents
. If you don’t, then the (guess what) no event are raised.
Kill, Kill, Kill
Now whenever a significant change occurs, it’ll be time to restart Node. For this I used System.Diagnostics.Process
. This is a bit of a tricky classs, with a number of not-so-obvious knobs to turn.
First, I’ll need to get a reference to the Node process. I noticed in Task Manager that the process name was “node”. So I used Process.GetProcessesByName("node")
This returns an array of processes, and so I did this:
var matches = Process.GetProcessesByName("node");
matches.ToList().ForEach(match => {
Console.WriteLine("attempting to close node.js [" + match.Id + "]");
match.WaitForExit(300); // it shouldn’t take this long, we’re just being cautious
Console.WriteLine("successfully closed");
Admittedly, this is hitting it with a hammer. It’s okay, because this is just a quick and dirty helper tool for me and not a production application.
After killing the process, I’ll want to start another one. Now, I don’t care for another console window to pop up each time I restart, instead I’d like to simply redirect the input and output to my little helper app. This can be a little tricky, and I had to do some experimentation to find the right combination in order keep things from hanging. If you find it misbehaving, I recommend searching StackOverflow. I found several useful questions there. One of the keys that came up more than once was capturing and closing the stream for the standard input.
var start = new ProcessStartInfo();
start.FileName = @"C:\node.js\node.exe";
// start the process directly, as opposed to going thu the shell
start.UseShellExecute = false;
// we don’t want a new window
start.CreateNoWindow = true;
start.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
start.RedirectStandardInput = true;
start.Arguments = Path.Combine(@"C:\node.js\stuff", @"server.js");
var node = new Process();
node.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
node.OutputDataReceived += OutputHandler;
node.StartInfo = start;
// refresh the metadata stored in the instance of Process
Console.WriteLine("[" + node.Id + "] node.exe started");
// close the input, we won't use it
var input = node.StandardInput;
// and now for the output
First we create an object that contains the configuration for starting an instance of Node. Notice that we are passing in the server.js file as an argument.
Also note that after starting the process, I call Refresh
. I need to do this so that I’ll have the correct info to write out to the console. This data is not captured automatically.
Finally, I handled the redirection of the input and output.
The complete code for the app is available at https://gist.github.com/1108727.
This is very much a hack and I am not an expert on the proper usage of these classes. Please feel free to offer improvements.